MWFA Coach Mentor: Patty Faria



For the 2024 season, MWFA Coach Development Manager Eugene Lawrenz and several Coach Mentors have been visiting MWFA clubs to support coaches at their training sessions and matches. This is to provide coaches with direct assistance ‘on the job’, complementing the courses and workshops we offer, as well as providing ongoing learning opportunities in a realistic setting. 

Training support and guidance is by far the most popular request from coaches in terms of what they feel would benefit them the most in their role. These Coach Mentors will allow us to have a greater reach in terms of the number of coaches we can directly assist, as well as supporting CCCs (Club Coaching Coordinators) in their roles.


Patty Faria coached for the first time back when she was 18 years old, and picked it up again four years ago. She currently coaches her son’s U9 mixed team and daughter’s W9 team, both at Brookvale.

She completed her C-Diploma in 2022, and has also been the Coaching Director at Brookvale for the past two seasons, along with volunteering in various roles at the club.

Patty started playing when she was eight years old, earning selection in several representative squads as a junior and becoming a WPL player for Brookvale.

Patty has been part of the MWFA Coach Development team since 2023 and enjoys helping people in general. More specifically, she enjoys having a role in shaping the development of youth players so that we can produce more world class players in the future, as well as helping coaches to do the same and keep more players in the game by giving them positive experiences.


For more information about coach development and support in MWFA, including courses, workshops and resources, please see the coaching section of our website:



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